It's Your Jurni!

Begin Your Jurni:

Freedom Lifestyle Jurni
Mon @ 5:00 PM EST
A talk show where we share all the tactics & strategies we are using to build a 7 figure business.

Brian Campbell
Show Host

Powerful Connections...
Mon @ 5:30 PM EST
Learn how to make powerful connections to propel your business forward utilizing the power of relationships.

John Piro Jr.
Show Host

RISEUP With Your Jurni
Tue @ 4:30 PM EST
Top experts dicusss areas of life that can help you RISEUP and take action in succeeding in all areas of your life.

Imran Gitay
Show Host

The Healthy Jurni
Tuesdays @ 5:00 PM EST
Weekly healthy conversations, to help you feel better, live longer, Have More Energy and Live Life ALIVE!

Jurni tv
Various Hosts

6 Figure Jurni
Tuesdays @ 5:30 PM EST
Adam will show you how to: Scale up, Take your business to the next level, Create an irresistible offer, and more...

Adam Bart
Show Host

Abundant Mind Jurni
Wednesdays @ 5:00 PM EST
Lessons of abundance from a former Maui Monk & Entrepreneur. Align with your true purpose and your limitless potential!

Brian Campbell
Show Host

Jurni to a Million
Wed @ 5:30 PM EST
A talk show where we share all the tactics & strategies we are using to build a 7 figure business.

Evan & Eugene Wong
Show Hosts

Choose Your Own Jurni
Thur @ 4:30 PM EST
This series will help you navigate the lucrative world of online business opportunities, meet the top experts.

Michael Weare
Show Host

The Wealthy Jurni
Thur @ 5:00 PM EST
Surround Yourself With Success, Apply Leverage To Build Wealth.Travel the Road to Prosperity. Take the road less traveled, the wealthy Jurni.

Jurni tv
Various Hosts

Midlife to Newlife Jurni
Thur @ 5:30 PM EST
MidLife To NewLife Jurni with Juan & Ron will provide TIPS to transform your MIDLIFE to a NEW LIFE.

Juan & Ron
Show Hosts

The ICON'S Jurni
Fri @ 5:00 PM EST
Attract a following, create a movement and build an empire. Guiding Mentors to Mastery every week.

Brian Campbell
Show Host

Fit Over 50's Jurni
Fri @ 5:30 PM EST
Fit over 50’s jurni is about empowering people to live their best most fit life now and in the future.

Richard Caldwell
Show Host
Jurni With Your Community